
The world is a hard place, and pockets of reclaimed civilization hard won. As the colonies seek to push back the

wilds, and reclaim the light of lost civilizations, the need for those trained in the fighting arts remains high.

The rugged and magic-scarred terrain of the east proves a constant training ground to those of Regimantis and Thell, and only with constant vigilance (and frequent skirmishes) are villages and townships kept safe from the creatures that inhabit the woods and mountains. And beyond the settlements of Callen Moor, the Westlands provide a siren’s song to Cahedrists and opportunists, hoping to rediscover lost cities and treasure from the fallen Orh-Kish Empire. In the south, and along the coast, trade routes between the colonies are perilous. Merchants have but two options: overland, making their way through the shifting swamps of Everlock and its hidden terrors, or by boat through the pirateriddled

waters of the isles of New Wyntiri. Guards, mercenaries, soldiers and scouts are common everywhere, and a quick (though dangerous) path to accumulating a pocket of coin.

In those few pockets where a more stable, city life has been established, such as the port city of Tarshnash or the libraries of Pelios, life is still fraught with peril. Merchants, nobility and the wealthy protect that which is theirs — or acquire that which is not. Add to the mix the shifting loyalties to the distant Crown, and the desire of those seeking to establish their own realms of power, and the wilds may not look at that unattractive.

Fighters in Narenfel may choose from any Martial Archetype feature listed in the Players Handbook or other accepted sources at the DM’s discretion. Examples of those type of archetypes follow:


Champions hail from every nation, and are common among all races. Those who have a desire to hone their martial prowess become Champions. Most exude an aura of dangerousness and often become adventurers, mercenaries, body guards and the backbone of any force that requires muscle and steel.

Battle Master

Battlemasters realize that a battlefield is more than a collection of bodies and swords. It is a collection of tactics and maneuvers, motivations and skill — and for those who can see beyond the superficial, the lessons of history and past battles can provide insights into how best to win this one. Battle Masters are rarely self-taught; most study under the tutelage of former generals or war-captains, scholars of warfare or in one of the Cahedra.

Eldritch Knight

Eldritch knights almost always spend some time training at the Academy of Mystics, often under the tutelage (or watchful eye) of a Sigil Lord. After they have proven their understanding of the ethics of magic and aftershadow (usually involving a test or series of trials) can they be be awarded an orh-lode. (Orh-lodes dampen the amount of aftershadow created by common and high level spells, so they are especially valuable to Eldritch Knights.) Since

all orh-lodes are registered and tracked by the Academy, only proven individuals are awarded these items, usually because they maintain close connections to the Academy.

Spellbow (Arcane Archer)

Like eldritch knights, Spellbows (as they are referred to in the lands of Narenfel) blend the finesse of the the bow with the otherworldly magic of the arcane arts by mastering how to bind magic to their arrows to project their

prowess. They too are trained by the Academy of Mystics and awarded orh-lodes when they have demonstrated their mastery of magic ethics. Once trained and tempered with real-world experience, most spellbows accept promising careers with nobles, generals, or military units. The Callen Moor military maintains a large standing Spellbow

Legion of considerable renown.

Additionally, Fighters in the Aftershadow setting have the two following two Martial Archetype option, in addition to those within the Players Handbook — Ssassumin and Reeve.


The Reeve serves to maintain law and order, to investigate crimes or strange occurrences, and to protect those within his area of authority. Many Reeves are also dedicated to the idea of justice, fairness, and the quest to root out corruption. Most Reeves operate in and around towns and cities, though investigations may take them to more remote

locations. Most are sanctioned by governments or powerful houses, but some operate independently, or as part of vigilante organizations.

Reeves are trained to look for tell-tale signs and connections to form a more complete picture of complex situation. When they find corruption or lawlessness, they are skilled at forming quick plans to maximize strengths and mitigate weaknesses of their allies and wards.


The Reeve puts special emphasis on upholding the law. Fighters who choose this martial archetype must be (or become) Lawful — lawful good, lawful neutral or lawful evil.


You are keenly aware of subtleties and are quick to spot things that are (trying to be) hidden or unexpected. As such, you gain expertise on any investigation or perception check. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make for either of those skills.

Your keen senses aid you in combat as well. If you would take damage from a critical hit or from a sneak attack, you take normal damage instead.


At 3rd level, when you find yourself and your allies in combat, you’re a master at maximizing strengths and mitigating weaknesses. You can quickly find ways to communicate and prepare your allies to give your party the best advantage. At the start of combat, before you or any ally has acted, you may switch your place in turn order with

them. When you do this you may choose one of the following options:

• Both you and your ally each gain a d4 to add to one of their attack rolls once per round during combat.

• Both you and your ally each gain a d4 to add to your damage rolls for combat.

• Both you and your ally each gain +1 to your AC for combat.

Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you have had either a short or long rest.


At 3rd level, you study and focus to detect the small or hidden weaknesses in movement, intention, and preparation of a target you can see within 30’ of you. makes. As a bonus action, you may reduce the target’s AC by 1 until the end of the battle. You cannot reduce a target’s AC by a number by a number greater than your proficiency bonus.


At 7th level, your eye for details has resulting in you constantly searching for (and finding) weak spots in

armor or movements. You may add your Intelligence bonus to all damage rolls.


At 7th level, as long as you are first in initiative order, you have the drop on all your opponents and gain the following advantages:

• You gain +1 to your AC

• You gain an additional die of damage on all attacks.

• When you make an attack, you may also choose an ally you can see to immediately move up to 10 feet. This does not count against their normal movement. If they leave combat, they may provoke opportunity attacks.

At 15th level, you gain +2 to your AC, and you may add two additional die on all attacks.


At 7th level, you may choose an opponent. That opponent has disadvantage on attacks and saves until the start of your next round. If the opponent is maintaining concentration on a spell, he must make a concentration check to continue it. Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you have had either a short or long rest.


At 10th level, those around you draw strength from your convictions allowing them to push themselves a little more. You may use your bonus action during combat and choose an ally within 30’ that can see you. They ally can either move up to 10’ of additional movement (this additional movement does not count again the ally’s movement total), or gain a number of temporary hitpoints equal to your Intelligence bonus added to their hit point maximum. This new hit point maximum lasts until the end of combat, and the ally can be healed back to that point if they lose hp by taking damage, etc.


At 10th level your very presence rallies allies and rattles enemies. Allies within 10’ of you gain a +1 AC bonus. Enemies within 10’ of you cannot hide or make sneak attacks. At 15th level, your Shield extends outward in a 20’ radius.


At 15th level, your senses are almost impossible to foil. As an action, you sense the presence of illusions, shapechangers not in their original form, and other magic designed to deceive the senses within 30 feet of you, provided you aren’t blinded or deafened. You sense that an effect is attempting to trick you, but you gain no insight into what is hidden or into its true nature.


At 15th level, at the start of combat (after any surprise rounds and before any of your allies have gone), you may swap the initiative order of all allies in combat. You may not adjust the initiative order of any enemies.

Establishment vs. Vigilante

Most Reeves work within the established law of the land — the King, Emperor, Powerful Houses, the Academy of Mystics, or the Cahedra. (You should choose this establishment, and the country in which it is based). Based on that charge, you enforce the established laws and regulations of that organization, and actively seek to redress wrongs whenever you find them. However, rather than wait for the slow and often uncertain processes of municipal

or national powers, some reeves choose to take matters into their own hands, working through non-sanctioned, vigilante organizations… to ensure that justice is enforced.


Some examples of vigilante organizations that a Reeve might belong to:

The Silent Brothers. A semisanctioned organization dedicated to cleansing the land of Shadari and Elflawvin,

and the taint of theirç magics. To this end, Silent Brothers spend the majority of their time in one of two places – the cities of the land, where they actively seek out and destroy Shadari adepts, and the Westlands, where they keep Elflawvin excursions in check. Both men and women of the organization are referred to as Silent Brothers.

The Crystal Mind. An organization dedicated to watching and eliminating corruption within the ranks of the Academy of Mystics or rogue sorcerers of the land.


The Ssassumin are part of a trained Order of Death. They see assassination as a divine art form — their calling — a duty to which they dedicate their lives in pursuit of perfection. To Ssassumin, assassination is not simply about extinguishing an existence – death is something any non-initiate can do. Rather, it is about “conjunction”– bringing death at the appropriate time, in the appropriate manner, with the appropriate tools and the appropriate context — all to provide the appropriate bridge between transgression and redemption, failure and fate, agendas and destiny.

There are few in Narenfel – even Tashis of Ashblack – who philosophize and internalize the time, method and feelings associated with death as much as the Ssassumin. To them, assassination is the result of reason, and a string of calculated, artistic choices. Which weapon should be used? Which killing stroke? What time of day is most poignant?

Should there be witnesses? Pointless killing is perhaps one of the most traumatic experiences for one of their order. Because of this emphasis, Ssassumin are the highest form of lifetaking in the civilized lands, and train unceasingly to ensure that they are always equipped to find the appropriate way to bring about the conjunction of any particular target.

Ssassumin are known for their flowing, unpredictable styles that features sudden, slashing strikes from behind whirling, weighted cloaks, keeping opponents unsure of the location or stance of the attacking Ssassumin. They are also distinctive in their appearance — and choose to be so as a courtesy to those who see them coming. Ssassumin paint their faces white with smears of red beneath the eyes and wear the vhazi – a dark, weighted cloak that is tailored to skim the surface of the ground and obscure all movement, paired with shorter half-capes of brighter colors, often red, yellow or green.

The FahRoki

Martial weapon/martial ranged weapon


Dual blades (Two-handed, finesse)

1d4+1 piercing or slashing/1d4+1

piercing OR slashing damage


Chain (Two-handed)

1d6 bludegoning


(Two handed, reach, finesse)

1d4+1 piercing OR slashing damage

When you attack using the fahroki blades, you may choose to do piercing or slashing damage after scoring a hit.

Note that the fahroki is a single weapon, but the individual blades are wielded individually, so treat attacks with this weapon as if you were fighting with two weapons – the second blade attack is made with a bonus action. (However, because the second blade is not considered light, only Fighters with the Dual Weapon Feat (or the Ssassumin Arts feat) can take advantage of this second attack.)

You may choose to use the chain between the two blades by swinging it as a club, dealing the bludgeoning damage listed. If you do so, you cannot attack with the blades during the same attack. If you choose to make a ranged attack, you attack with only one of the daggers, throwing it at the target. If it hits, it does its normal 1d6 damage (your choice of piercing or slashing). You may use one of your bonus actions to rip the blade free, doing an additional d4 slashing damage.


As part of your training, you gain the serrated fahroki weapon, as well as the weighted cloak called the vhazi (both detailed more fully below). A Ssassumin wears his vhazi cloak at all times. It is his distinguishingmark, and he cares little that others know him for a Ssassumin – for he is the harbinger of death. Foreknowledge does not change that which must be.

Because of the use of the vhazi and the need for flowing motions, Ssassumin fighters cannot wear medium or heavy armor.


The Ssasumin arts developed in the lost city of Everlock in the centuries before the Mage Wars, leading to the city gaining a reputation for its assassins. The Ssassumin fighting style is flowing and unpredictable, with sudden, slashing strikes from behind their whirling, weighted cloaks keeping opponents unsure of the location or stance of their attacker.

As part of this unpredictable burst of speed and movement, starting at third level, Ssassumin have and may use up to two bonus actions per round.


Ssassumin favor the what they consider to be a sacred weapon, and the pinnacle of assassination implements – a pair of long, slightly curved serrated daggers, each with strangely weighted handles, and connected to each other by a length of black, non-reflective chain. The weapon is custom crafted, with specific weights of blade, hilt and chain unique to each fahroki and the Ssassumin that wields it. Due to its custom nature and rare usage, it is exceedingly rare to find in a shop or armory. You gain one of these weapons when you take the Ssassumin archetype.

This weapon provides the Ssassumin with all means of basic damage – piercing from thrusts and jabs, slashing when used with the serrated edge, and bludgeoning when the chain between the weapons is swung and used as a cudgel. The fahroki can be used as a reach weapon, throwing one of the blades while holding on to the other, delivering an

attack 10’ away.


At 3rd level, you have been trained in the Sssassumin arts of death, unlocking many of the secrets of wielding the fahroki more effectively. You gain the Ssassumin Arts feat. You gain the Two-Weapon Fighting style (even if you chose a different fighting style previously), allowing you to add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

At 7th level, you gain an additional feat from the following list (feat prerequistes apply): Dance of the

Doomed, Deadly Strikes, Fahroki Master, Garrote, Vhazi Master

You gain another of these feats at 10th level, and another at 15th level.


At 3rd level, as one of your bonus actions, you can whip and swirl your Vhazi in front of you. Its hem is weighted with a series of metal beads, causing it flare outward. You use it as a shield from which to obscure your position or strike from a different angle. When you make a Distracting Whirl, you gain either a +1 bonus to your AC until your next turn, or advantage on your next single attack, as you strike from a position your opponent does not expect.


At 7th level, you learn Ssassumin Maneuvers that are fueled by special dice called superiority dice.

Ssassumin Maneuvers. You learn three Ssassumin maneuvers of your choice, detailed below in Ssasumin Manuevers section. These maneuvers allow you to more deftly and powerfully use their fahroki and vhazi to enhance your attack.

Superiority Dice. You have four superiority dice, which are d6s. A superiority die is expended when you use it. You regain all of your expended superiority dice when you finish a short or long rest. You gain another superiority die at 7th level and one more at 15th level.

Saving Throws. Some of your maneuvers require the target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver’s effects. The saving throw DC is the same as your Fahroki DC (see the Ssassumin Arts Feat).


At 15th level, you are able to ignite your palms (and whatever they touch) into a small, deadly torches of magical, purple fire, in an ability called ki’kirondi, or “the Hand of Purification”. For the next minute (10 rounds), each of your successful attacks will inflict 5d4 points of necrotic damage, and will leave lasting magical scars whether the target survives and is healed, or if he dies and is brought back to life.

During the Ki’Kirondi, you can only use fah’roki or your bare hands. This ability cannot be used again

until you have taken a long rest.


Death Strike. During your attack, you may expend a superiority die and add it to the damage for any single successful attack.

Deep Rip. When you make a successful ranged attack with your fahroki, you may expend a superiority dice to do an extra amount of damage when you rip the blade free. Add the superiority die’s roll to the ripping damage.

Get Over Here. When you make a successful ranged attack with your fahroki, you may attempt to drag the opponent toward you up to 5’ by making a contested Strength toll. You expend a superiority die and add it to your Strength roll. If your roll is higher, the target is dragged back toward you. You  may then rip the fahroki from the target, doing its normal damage. If the target is dragged in this way out of combat, those it is in combat with may use

their reactions to make opportunity attacks.

Fahroki Swirl. During your attack, you may expend a superiority die to attack all targets within 10’ of you with a single fahroki blade (you hold the other blade and spin around). Make an attack roll against each opponent, and add your superiority die roll to the total.

Final Vision. During your attack, you may expend a superiority die to slash at you target’s eyes. The target makes a Constitution save against your Fahroki DC. If it fails, it is blinded as blood fills its vision. At the start of each of its turns, it may make an additional Constitution save. If it succeeds, this effect is ended.

Unexpected Movement. You can expend a superiority die to move up to half your normal movement. This is in addition to your normal Move. If you are in combat, you may invoke opportunity attacks. Vhazi Retreat. You can expend a superiority die to Disengage from combat after making an attack as part of your Distracting Whirl. If you choose to not attack, you may still Disengage.


The now destroyed city of Everlock was founded by two brothers, both assassins. The arts of shadow and theivery were young in those days, and unrefined; the brothers pledged to create a haven of serenity and to dedicate their energies and those of their descendants to improving the quality of civilization, and the assassin craft. They realized the art of shadow is accomplished neither by direct force, nor by cowardly stealth; a melding of the two was necessary — a strong mind, with a strong body. This they developed between themselves, and developed the art greatly, so that nonein the land could match them.

hen, Barabas, the eldest of the brothers, charged Jaoki, younger, to go forth and recruit the mightiest and wisest of the land. After a time, Jaoki returned with the twelve mightiest men of the land. He had promised them a banquet without equal and a show of martial arts such as they had never seen.

The men were ushered into the main banquet hall where they were told to wait. When the evening came, no food arrived, nor drink, nor in fact, did the host. In anger, the men rose from the table and told the servants to make ready their horses for they were leaving immediately. The servants shook their heads sadly, but said that they could not leave. The mighty men readied their steel and made for the main gate.

Barabas was waiting for them. He told that they could not leave, and asked them politely to return to their rooms. The men told him that were leaving whether he liked it or not, and did he not know who he was talking to? He smiled, and told them very quietly he knew exactly who he was talking to, and that if they did not go back to their rooms on the instant, they would regret their mistake for the rest of their lives.

In unison, the men attacked him; and for all the skill that their collective might was worth, it was nothing compared to him. As he attacked, his hands seemed to burst into flame, and his bare arms parried their honed blades. One by one, he vanquished the twelve, touching each face with his burning hands, leaving it horribly scarred and melted. The next morning, the twelve awoke, swords in hand, once again in front of the gate, this time to find Jaoki barring the main gate.

Quietly, he asked them to return to their rooms, that they would not be leaving. With a snarl, they attacked him en masse, though he defeated them easily, this time burning their bodies and leaving them unconscious. The men tried the next night and the next, only to be thwarted by either Barabas or Joaki. Finally, on the thirteenth day, when the men appeared before the main gate, they were cofronted by both brothers. Quietly, Barabas asked them to

return to their rooms.

Beaten and scarred from head to toe, they bowed their heads returned to their quarters. From that time one, they were the disciples of Everlock, and the brothers trained them hard from sunup to sundown for three years in the art of killing, poison, secret killing, the importance of civility, peace of mind and of the role balance. Finally they were the perfect instruments of death. The brothers named them Ssassumin, and healed the mens’ scars everywhere save for their faces, which the brothers instructed to paint white.  The area under their eyes they painted red, the color of untended burns. Their hair was shaved, save for a single topknot, and into the end of it they fastened a sharpened piece of obsidian.


The following feats are only available to the Ssassumin Martial Archetype, and only at the start of levels 3, 7, 10 and 15. (You cannot take these feats during other levels.)


Requires: Ssassumin Martial Archetype

Your training has unlocked more of the deadly potential in the fahroki through study of the ancient

Everlockian death arts.

• When you are wielding the fahroki, you act as if you had the Dual Wielder Feat, gaining a +1 AC, and being able to wield the weapon though it is not considered a light weapon.

• You may use one or both of your bonus actions to strike with the second blade. (Normally, you in dual wielding, you would only be allowed one off-hand attack with the single bonus action)

• The damage stats of the fahroki blades you wield are increased to 1d6+1. If you choose to use the chain, its damage is also increased to 1d8+1.

• Additionally, your use of the weapon now sometimes requires saving throws from your targets.

Fahroki DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your

Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice)

When you make a melee attack and score a critical hit, the target must make a Constitution save vs your Fahroki DC or be wracked with pain, giving them disadvantage on all melee and ranged attacks until the start of your next turn.


Requires: Improved Vhazi

Your movements are almost impossible to predict behind the swirl of your Vhazi. As such, attacks made as part of a Distracting Whirl are considered critical on rolls of 18 to 20. In addition to doubling the damage from such attacks, the target must make a Dexterity save against your Fahroki DC, or be stunned until the end of their next turn. Regardless of how many of your attacks are critical in one attack round, the target will only make one saving

throw to be stunned.


Requires: Ssassumin Arts

Your knowledge of your opponents’ moves, anatomy and pschycology results in your fahroki strikes being far more deadly. You are able to augment the amount of damage from your blades up one die to 1d8+1 per strike, and in addition to the damage being either piercing or slashing, it is also considered magical. Your chain increases in damage from 1d8+1 to 1d10+1. Additionally, if you use the Deeper Ripping manuever, you may increase the slashing damage caused by it by an additional 2d6.


Requires: Ssassumin Arts

Your training in the fahroki has focused on quicker attacks with the fahroki weapon. You gain an additional attack during your action, so long as you attack with your fahroki. You can attack an additional time whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. (For example, if you can normally attack once during your action, you can now attack two times. If you could attack two times, you can now attack three times.) Note that normal dual wielding rules apply. (For example, if you can attack three times during your action, you make three strikes with one of your blades, and then use a bonus action for the additional blade’s attack.)


Requires: Ssassumin Arts

You use the fahroki for assassination. You may make an attack on a humanoid opponent your size or smaller using the chain between your fahroki blades as a garrote. If you are successful, the target is grappled. At the beginning of target’s next turn, it must make a Constitution save vs your Fahroki DC or takes 2d12 damage and is Restrained. If it makes the Constitution save, it takes no damage, and may attempt to break the grapple with a contested Strength check. This continues each round until the target either breaks free, or succumbs to damage.


Requires Ssassumin Arts

When you use a bonus action for a Distracting Whirl with your Vhazi, you gain both the +1 AC bonus until your next round AND all your attack until then are at advantage.