
Following in the tradition of the legendary ranger Alanarc Geraim, slayer of Dragon Spiders and first king of the Free Peoples of the Eastern  , Rangers in Narenfel  seek to protect areas of civilization from a growing number of monstrous creatures and their minions that have begun to stir in the western lands. Drawing upon this well-known tale (which is asked for at literally every tavern if there’s a bard of any worth in the room), rangers in Narenfel are simply referred to as Alanarcs.


While they spend most of their time ranging wilderness areas, the Alanarc keeps contact with each other through a loose confederation of conclaves resident in every civilized nation (even Thell).

There is no school for Alanarcs; Alanarcs pride themselves on being self-taught. This is not to say that they do not exchange information and tips for dispatching the foes they face, but rather that each Alanarc has earned his stripes by living and surviving far from cities or fortified keeps, cataloging knowledge from firsthand experience. To that end, those hoping to find an Alanarc should look to the wilds, searching in the shade of mountain ranges, or the lonely areas of the untamed open. Though they may join with a band of adventurers or help a passing caravan, they are comfortable living alone, and cherish their freedom and independence.

Other than being referred to as Alanarcs, rangers in Narenfel follow the guidelines laid out in the Player’s Handbook.

Knights of the Purple

The Knights of the Purple is a conclave of alanarcs dedicated to halting the spread of evil by Asheblack and his minions wherever they find it. The order is composed solely of males, as it is thought that to turn back the tide of abominations spewing forth across the land, a Knight must remain focused on the task at hand.To mix male and female within the ranks would be… unfocusing.

Knights of the First

The Knights of the First is the sister organization to the Knights of the Purple. Similar in nature to the Knights of the Purple, only women are allowed to join its ranks. Both conclaves are on friendly terms, sharing similar goals (though not always the same agendas within those goals). The segretated nature of the enclaves leads to frequent and colorful  jokes, especially in the livelier alehouses and taverns.