
The dread magics unleashed during the Mage Wars and the fall of Mistmight had other unintended and long-lasting aftershadows that continue to manifest today. The Spelltouched (as they are classified by the Cahedra) are those who have unexpectedly manifested the power to tap into the Tetramatrix in a way that does not involve traditional spellcasting methods –though still creates all the havoc of nodes and aftershadows.

For some, this manifestation has been a part of their lives since childbirth (leading some Cahedrists to theorize that that it may be some form of reincarnation of a previous archmage or tashi), but for others, the ability might manifest at adolescence or adulthood. In some cases, local aftershadows are suspected to have triggered this manifestation, but all recorded evidence is anecdotal.

Since Spelltouched do not need touch the Tetramattrix in the way traditional spellcasters do , very few of them submit to the philosophical training and rigor of the Academy of Mystics. As a result, most Academy members see Spelltouched as reckless, perhaps even bordering on dangerous — since they point out that Spelltouched magic still creates nodes and aftershadows. By bypassing Academy training, Spelltouched blithely flirt with danger since they are not aware of the consequences of their actions.


There are very few examples of Draconic magic in the lands of Narenfel since sightings of dragons have become increasingly rare since the Turning. However, legends and fragmented histories of past empires such as the The Fire Dynasties and Cho-shan featured multiple references to dragons and dragon-kin, so Draconic magic might exist more commonly in distant islands or in remote pockets of the Westlands, Jhora-daema or Han-chi. Travelers from these distant lands could find their way to the ports of Bramm or the Maugholdings, or emerge from the wilderness of the Westlands.


Only limited areas of wild magic are know to exist in Narenfel, mostly in the mountainous western region of Regimantis, and around the swamps of New Wyntiri and Vis. This has led Cahedrists to believe that wild magic is the result of the particular style of mage craft developed and employed during the final stages of the Mage Wars before the destruction of Everlock.

Because these areas are quite remote — and because arcane magic in general is outlawed in Regimantis — wild magic sorcerers are also quite rare, hailing from these regions. With the emphasis on cause-and-effect casting so prevalent across the land, wild magic sorcerers are often viewed as unstable themselves.

Divine Soul

Tashi are quick to describe the glory and might of the Narenfel pantheon, but generally stick to the scriptures, or tell tales of Valshalem or Normooren. Few speak of the Powers and Dominions walking the mortal world, and fewer still mention the occasional intermingling between the deities and the mortals of the land. On the other hand, bards everywhere are not half so shy, and tavern songs abound of stories of men and women sired by the gods. While most of these narratives are simply bawdy stories wrapped around catchy tunes, not all are false. Those rare individuals who are from a divine heritage often manifest unusual powers and spell-like control, abilties that they struggle to control and rarely understand. Some even seem to wrestle with multiple personalities, as if their body is a recepticle for more than one soul. Few reliable sources exist detailing such individuals, but aspiring Cahedrists are always on the lookout.

Shadow Magic

During the Shadow War, the land was bathed in the umbra of the Ibn-Or, the shadowy denizens of the Planes of If. While they were ultimately driven back, pockets of their influence have remained. Little is known of ifcraft; shadari magic is thought to draw its power from the Ibn-Or and not the Tetramatrix, and the umbral magics that were used durnig the War of Shadow remain alien and ineffable to Academy wizards and Cahedrists alike. Sorcerors who are somehow tied to these pockets of Ibn-Or influence are easily miscategorized as Shadari — especially with their abilities to manipulate shadow — and may find themselves hunted down accordingly.

Storm Sorcery

The strongest storms exist to the far north, deep in the icy wastes of the Northern Necron and far north Thell. Because of the virtually inaccessible nature of the region — and the heightened presence of the snow-forged undead who roam there under the watched eyes of the lich sisters Vrshod and Mrshnn — little is known of the reasons why. Whatever the case, it is from the fringe of these regions that lone sorcerers emerge who seem to manifest their powers from wrath of the storm. Some few make their way south to the Westlands or to Thell, but most seem inextricably connected to the raw, primal fury of the north and its storms and choose to live there apart from society.


The Mindspears

An organization of spelltouched casters, highly regimented, who lead an ascetic lifestyle — primarily because they wish to regulate the casting of spells and disruption of the Tetramatrix.

Sorcerers in Narefnel have the following Sorcerous Origin options, in addition to those in the Player’s Handbook.


Aftershadow manifests in many ways. As part of the unexpected consequences of the Shadowglyph that decimated the Orh-Kish Empire and destroyed the Ennari and the Goblins, there are those who find that they have manifested abilities to power spellcraft by non-traditional means. These individuals are classified as “spelltouched” by the Cahedra and Academy (though the Academy uses the term with a much more derogatory connotation).

Tetramagic scholars who follow the philosophies of the Wyntiri Empire believe this to be another example of the “living nature” of magic, pointing to spelltouched as a sentient step of magic forming itself into living, organic things. Others see Spelltouched as resulting aftershadows of lichdom, wishes or resurrection by powerful archmage.

Whatever the case, spelltouched connect to the Tetramatrix in their own unique way, inherently knowing and casting spells without formal training. Since magic comes easy to Spelltouched, there is little desire for them to apply to the Academy of Mystics. This is seen as incredibly recklessness by most Academy members, since only through the study of ethical spellcraft can novas and unnecessary aftershadow be prevented.

Consequently, the relationship between wizards and spelltouched is icy at best, and under the right circumstances occasionally erupts in a fight (usually verbal, though some Spelltouched are only too happy to cast a non-ethical spell at an aghast Wizard to make their point.)


Your strange connection to the Tetramatrix allows you to cast your cantrips without generating any personal aftershadow. (Cantrips normally incur a point of personal aftershadow, though do not affect nodes).

Starting at first level, when you take a long rest, you reduce your personal aftershadow score by a number of points equal to your proficiency bonus +1 (Aftershadow is normally reduced by 3 pts per long rest).


Spelltouched sorcerors have access to two

additional Metamagic ptopms to choose from at 3rd, 10th and 17th level:

Dampened Spell

You may use sorceror points to dampen a spell that he casts from increasing the magnitude of a node. For each point of magnitude a node would be increased, he may spend that many sorceror points to dampen it. (Example, a nodes magnitude may be increased by 2. The sorceror may pay 2 sorcery points to dampen it completely (no increase) or 1 sorcery point to dampen it by 1 (increasing the node only 1 point). If the sorceror completely dampens a spell by using sorcery points in this way, he does not take any aftershadow from the spell cast.

Dual Node

When you cast a spell that would increase the magnitude of a node, you may use two sorcery points to create a second node. When you create this second node, redistribute half of the orders of magnitude of the original node to the new node. (If the number of magnitude is odd, one node will have one more point of magnitude than the other). All future magnitude increases from spells cast will add to the lowest magnitude node. If the nodes are equal in magnitude, then the increase in magnitude is assigned to one of the nodes randomly. No more than 2 nodes can be in effect in a given area.


Spell Resilience

Starting at 6th level, if you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright by magical means (spells or creature-based spell-like powers (not as a result of a magical weapon dealing damage)), you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

Node Mastery

Starting at 14th level, you may add 2x your spellcasting modifier when determining your Aftershadow save:

Aftershadow save: d20 + your proficiency bonus + 2x your spellcasting modifier minus your personal aftershadow score

At 18th level, you gain advantage on all aftershadow saves. If your roll causes the roll to go nova, you take no force damage, and only one point of  exhaustion.


The ancient Ennu Empire lasted for nearly a millenia until it was brought down by the blood magics of Velthorian demons. Yet even millenias later, stories continue that the magic that coursed through the Ennomachs yet lives, choosing to invest individuals with manifestations of ancient power.

According to raucous tales and bardic songs based on fragments of prophecies, these rare individuals are born with strange birthmarks, often on the chest, or palm of their hand. Even at a young age, they know they are different; they are stronger, quicker, ore more intelligent than those around them, and they begin to manifest the ability to speak languages with which they have had no training, and see things that a normal man could not.

And though legends of those who have the Mark of Ennu persist — usually of strange individuals who hail from the Westlands or Thell — most Cahedrists scoff at the idea. Tranmission of powers through bloodlines that stretch back millenia, even beyond the Turning? Not likely. Yet, despite their most academic efforts, nothing has been entirely ruled out.


Legacy of Ennu

Unlike other sorcerers, those with the Mark of Ennu use a d8 for hit die, rather than a d6.

Echoes of the Past

You may recast one spell you have previous cast since your last long rest. This does not count again your allocated spell slots, though you must still pay any costs or material components required. You can’t use this feature again until you take a long rest again.


Each Mark of Ennu sorcerer chooses where the mark has manifested, though it seems to most commonly manifest on palm of the hand, the chest, or the neck. These Marks unlock powers to the sorcerer as the magic that courses through their blood blooms.

Level     Mark Powers

6               Recovery of the Ancients,

Knowledge of the Ennu

14            Triumvirate Mind

18            Fury of the Ennomachs

Recovery of the Ancients

You regain half of your sorcery points after a short rest. You can only do this once per 24 hour period. When you take a long rest, you still recover all your sorcery points.

Knowledge of Ennu

You are fluent in the language of ancient Ennu, and find yourself thinking and dreaming in it, as opposed to your mother tongue. If you study a magic item, you can positively identify if it was created during the Ennu Empire or not. If it is, you may make a History Check. If you succeed, you have positively identified the item, as per an identify spell. Additionally, you may know additional associated facts about it, its former owners, or other things at the DM’s discretion.

Triumvirate Mind

Your mark opens new windows in your mind, and you find that you have more control of matter, energy and thought. You are able to manipulate the energy around your fists and weapons, causing them to vibrate with a low-pitched hum. Melee damage done by you or weapons you wield is considered magic force damage in addition to any other damage type. (This applied even if you are wielding a normal weapon).

Additionally, once per day, you can cast the following spells as an action and without components, without expending a spell slot. After you do so, you regain this ability when you finish a long rest.

True Seeing, Legend Lore, Nondection and Levitate

Fury of the Ennomachs

You gain resistance to magic weapon attacks. (Total damage done is halved). Additionally, so long as you are conscious and aware, if a creature hits you with a melee attack, it immediately takes 10 points of force damage.


Acid Splash, Chill Touch, Dancing Lights, Fire Bolt, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Poison Spray, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Shocking Grasp, True Strike

1st Level

Burning Hands, Charm Person, Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Expeditious Retreat, False Life, Feather Fall, Fog Cloud, Jump, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield, Sleep, Thunderwave

2nd level

Alter Self, Blindness/Deafness, Darkness, Darkvision, Detect Thoughts, Enhance Ability, Enlarge/Reduce, Gust of Wind, Hold Person, Knock, Levitate, Misty Step, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility, Shatter, Spider Climb, Suggestion, Web

3rd level

Blink, Clairvoyance, Counterspell, Daylight, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Fly, Gaseous Form, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Protection from Energy, Sleet Storm, Slow, Stinking Cloud, Tongues, Water Breathing, Water Walk

4th level

Banishment, Blight, Confusion, Dimension Door, Dominate Beast, Ice Storm, Polymorph, Stoneskin, Wall of Fire

5th level

Animate Objects, Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Dominate Person, Hold Monster, Insect Plague, Seeming, Telekinesis, Teleportation Circle, Wall of Stone

6th level

Chain Lightning, Circle of Death, Disintegrate, Eyebite, Globe of Invulnerability, Mass Suggestion, Move Earth, Sunbeam, True Seeing

7th level

Delayed Blast Fireball, Etherealness, Finger of Death, Fire Storm, Plane Shift, Prismatic Spray, Reverse Gravity, Teleport

8th level

Dominate Monster, Earthquake, Incendiary Cloud, Power Word Stun, Sunburst

9th level

Gate, Meteor Swarm, Power Word Kill, Time Stop, Wish