You were (and still are) affiliated with a secret society. Narenfel is full of such organizations, from sects that venerate or idealize the Velthorian gods (often referred to as “Hungry Gods”, to those who seek dark powers to restore the former glory of Mistmight and the Orh-Kish Empire, to those that traffic in dark secrets that could topple goverments and guilds. You’ve attended meetings in the middle of the night, deep underground, or when the omens say it is most auspicious. And you’ve seen things, heard things, and done things — “necessary” things of course — that you’ll never speak of openly.
Equipment: Choose A or B: (A) A dark robe, 2 black candles, and a pouch of 15 gold; or (B) 50 GP
Secret Society: Choose a society you wish to belong to, or use the Narenfellian Secret Society table to randomly determine one.
Table of Narenfelian Secret Societies
Choose or roll a d4 and consult the chart below to randomly to choose a cult that you belong to:
1 | A coven dedicated to the Velthorian “Hungry” Gods (see the Warlock Class for complete list) |
2 | A covert that venerates the Ren Spirit |
3 | The Runecult |
4 | Other (Work with the DM and/or create your own) |
The Hungry Gods
The Hungry Gods are nine ancient beings of power, each hailing from one of the lower planes. Together they are known as The Nine, or more historically, the Velthorian Gods, since they are believed to have been first worshipped (and summoned) during that Kindom’s rise to power millenia ago, and at various times by subsequent civilizations since. The names of the Hungry Gods have become synonymous with weal and destruction, and are rarely spoken, so as not to attract their undo attention to the realm of men.
The Cult of The Ren Spirit
Legends state that the Ren Spirit was once a paladin lord by the name of Ren, a man both generous and benevolent, until he and an adventuring party chanced upon a treasure of surpassing beauty and corrupting magic deep within the ruins of Everlock. An insidious lust gripped the paladin, and a spirit of unsurpassed malice rippled across his face, replacing every vestige of goodness with a utter malice and greed. Before they knew what was happening, he hacked down those who had ventured with him into the swamp and disappeared — presumably with the treasure. In the unknown decades since, cults have venerated Ren’s spirit and raw desire, and have erected small shrines to summon/placate it, each adorned a blacked talon clutching and orb. Within the shrines are offerings of money and personal effects — tokens left by passing travelers to appease the Ren Spirit, in the hopes that its eye and dark avarice passes over them as they wander past.
The Runecult
The Runecult is deeply concerned in all prophecies, especially the that of an individual of “pure” Omenari blood (whatever that means), who will rise and reclaim the glory that was once Orh-Kish. Cult members are self-proclaimed guardians of this prophecy, and its members lead shadowy (and often feared) lifestyles always looking to tip the scales of fate in the favor of the Omenari race.