
You worked for the Silver Tide, a society focused on capturing the news and information about the people and goings on of a particular area or town. As such, your daily mission was to seek out opportunities to talk to the folks you run into, asking questions and learning about the juicy stuff — stories, rumors, gossip and information about the wealthy or famous. Some folks are happy to dish, others need a little financial persuasion (usually a few copper is enough.) On the other hand, there is usually a steady flow of people who are interested in the current news and answers you’ve gleaned. For that, they pay a silver piece, a transaction commonly referred to  as a “Silver Tiding”.

In general, you tend to create connections and follow specific areas or people of note, but that doesn’t mean you don’t ask questions about other things when the opportunity arises. When you come across other Chroniclers, you quickly share information so that you both are in the know. 

Ability Scores: Charisma, Intelligence, Wisdom
Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Persuasion
Tool Proficiency: Calligrapher's Supplies
Equipment: Choose A of B: (A) Stuff; or (B) 50 GP