You are a Khomantu, a sacred tattooist, the cornerstone of any Ya’avin community. Khomanu markings are a fusion of inks and divine magics, a recipe orally passed down from master to apprentice, and that is closely guarded and not discussed with non-Khomantu. The resulting ink is applied to designs of lines and colors that are fused into the very life essence of a Ya’avin recipient. Khomantu markings both large and small are added to a person’s body canvas throughout the course of their lives, particularly during milestone events such as marriage, or child birth, achievements of rank, victories, or other fortuitous or somber events.
Khomantu are highly respected in the Ya’avin community. Their practice is highly skilled, and as a result, most have spent years training under another master khomantu. Khomantu tend to be serious about their craft and its meaning. They are known for their graceful, measured movements, almost as if the process of inking is a kata of a martial art.
Feature: Quickening Ink
Using proprietary Khomantu materials and processes, you may ink a design onto a PC or NPC’s body (usually another Ya’avin, DM’s discretion). Usually this occurs in conjunction with milestone events or accomplishments. The process usually requires materials that cost from 10gp (small khomantu) to 100gp (large khomantu, see the Ya’avin description for placements.) Tattoos made by you in this way provide the recipient with a bonus of 1d4 to healing from any amount of HD they spend during a short rest. (A recipient only gains this bonus once, regardless of how many khomantu you have tattooed on them.) The process of inking a komantu is lengthy and involved, requiring a full day to prepare the ink, and another full day to apply it. No more than one khomantu may be applied in a single week in any case.
Race: Ya’avin only
Equipment: Choose A or B: (A) Tattooist tools, a collection of pots filled with components, many of which are necessary for tattooing ink, a silver mirror, 10 gp.; or (B) 50 GP