
You spend your days picking at rock, sifting through sand or sludge, and maybe, if you’re lucky, finding a gem or a nugget. With the discovery of gold, and other precious tetramagic dusts in the frontiers past the colonies of Callen Moor, the Westlands have become a haven for miners seeking to make their fortune. However, mineral deposits can be found throughout the charted lands of Narenfel, as well as on many of the islands off the southern coastline or even far-off Jhora-Daema. 

Equipment: Choose A or B: (A) Mining tools, pick and block and tackle. Pouch containing 2 gold nuggets, each worth 15gp, or three jewels of your choice, worth a total of 30gp; or (B) 50 GP

Ability Scores: Constitution, Strength, Wisdom
Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Survival
Tool Proficiency: Jeweler's Tools