The Returned

Occasionally a soul will be snatched back from the Endfeast, as part of a Feastwraith’s rituals, an unexpected consequence of the reciprocal nature of the Tetramatrix, or through some other specific design or artifice of Ashblack and his An’Tashi — and you are one of those. While you life a new life, you still remember flashes of your previous one. The memories are hazy, more like a story that you read in a book or heard as part of a tale, rather than your own life experience. (Often, you find that you are driven to complete some additional task — perhaps as part of Ashblack’s agenda, or for some other reason. This might be self-directed as part of your character’s development, or provided by the DM.)

You are unaware of how you came to the place you re-began (which can lead to epsiodes of temporary disorientation or lack of insight). Most often, Returned find themselves standing in graveyards, or in or around a Temple of Ashblack. Sometimes An’Tashi of Ashblack or Feastwraiths are also present, as their prayers or agendas may have caused the Return.

Where You Re-Began: Choose a country or place that you re-began, or work with the DM to develop your new starting origin.
Feat: Your choice of Origin Feat
Skill Proficiences: Choose any two
Tool Proficiency: Choose one tool proficiency
Equipment: Choose A or B: (A) A suit of clothing (your choice of style), and a gold coin marked with the Eye of Ashblack; or (B) 50 GP

Feature: Vigor of the Returned
Your return has diminished your need for rest. When you take a short rest, you may pay a number of HD equal to half your level (round up) to gain the benefits of a long rest. Additionally, you have project a faint necromantic aura to those detecting magic or undead.