The Charter Campaign takes place in the unexplored lands Narenfel, west of Callen Moor. Other than folklore, and a few tomes and relics that have been discovered, little is known about the ancient empires and civilizations of the past (like Orh-Kish, Ennu, Wyntiri and others.) It is an Age of Discovery, with the directive “To Recover, and to Know” — at least to scholars and the Maugtheni Cahedra. To other societies and organizations, relics of the past can increase prestige and power, and serve as magnets to draw the curious to their ranks.
The campaign is episodic, and each session will focus on a specific mission – called “a Charter”, and will be funded by a “Society” – a catchall term for the organization that will be paying characters for their adventuring. The Societies will change from session to session. (One week, characters could be working for one of the Maugtheni Cahedra, the next week the Silent Brothers, the next the Academy of Mystics — all with their own agendas and personalities).
Players will have a roster of characters that they develop, rather than just one. The Westlands are a dangerous place, and mostly uncharted, so depending on the charter, different characters might be better suited for the adventure. There’s no “level-appropriate” safety net once a character enters the wild — they could run into anything, so it will be up to them to stand their ground, find alternate ways to complete their charters, or get away with knowledge of how to prepare for the next time they encounter a creature or scenario.
Email Chris at [email protected]