Barbarians can be found throughout Narenfel, though particularly in the Westlands where established civilization has not yet reemerged, though they are much more common in the Westlands beyond Callen Moor. Most of these barbarians are human, omenari or odtari, descendants of the ruin of the Orh-Kish Empire. Even farther to the west and north, in the harsh lands near the Norther Necron, some tribes of barbarians of darker skin and thicker muscle claim to trace their lineage back to the Ennu Empire, claiming that their ancestors were protected from the civilization ending catastrophes that ended the previous Ages since. (These are referred to as “Sons of Ennu” by those within the Cahedra who study such thing.)
They often find their way into adventuring parties seeking a chance to prove their prowess, or because they value camaraderie, and a wandering lifestyle suits them just fine. Many congregate to independent cities like Dair to connect with travelers or find jobs.
Barbarians tend to respect boldness and strength. Because of the daily challenges faced in the Westlands (and other places), most are skilled trackers, and insightful tacticians. They also know one end of a weapon from the other.
Most barbarians found in the civilized lands tend to follow the Path of the Beserker, while those in the Westlands are generally followers of the Totem Warrior. However, there are other paths that characters may choose as well.
The raw and relentless power of the volcano fuel the path of some barbarians. To them, to rage is be a fiery mountain.
Smouldering Rage
When you choose this path at 3rd level, when you rage, your skin darkens to smooth black obsidian, and your body smoulders with heat. Any creature that makes a melee attack against you immediately takes 1d4 fire damage. This damage increases to 1d6 at level 6, and 1d8 at level 10. Additionally, you are immune to fire damage when you are raging.
Geyser Strike
Beginning at 6th level, when you are raging and use a reaction to make an attack against an opponent, you may channel your inner fire and make a second attack against that opponent with your weapon. In addition to your weapon’s damage for this strike, you also do 1d8 fire damage.
Eruptive Rage
Beginning at 10th level, you harness the power of the volcano, and can choose to magnify your attacks with bursts of raw, deadly power. After any success¬ful melee attack that you make while you rage, you may spend any number of your hitdice to do an ad¬ditional 1d8 fire damage to the target of your attack for each hitdice spent in this way.
Alternatively, as an attack, you may spend ten hit dice and manifest a concussive blast of lava, blast¬ing outward with the power of an erupting volca¬no. All creatures within 15’ of you take 10d8 fire damage, and are knocked prone unless they make a DC16 Dexterity save. Those who make the save still take damage, but are not knocked prone. Uncanny dodge and other non-damage resistance abilities are uneffective against this eruption.
These barbarians do not see themselves as unique — or even as an individual. Their path involves community and camaraderie, the needs of the many are the needs of all.
Pack Rage
You have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and you are raging.
Shared Voice
You can communicate telepathically with allies up to 20 feet away, so long as you have been in their presence for at least a week.
Primal Connection
Your sense of community is so strong that your primal emotions can course through those near you. When you rage, your emotions affect allies within 10 feet of you — you choose one of these effects for the duration of your rage:
• Immune to charm and sleep spells and effects
• Resistant to psychic damage
• Advantage on saving throws
At 6th level, those within 10 feet of you during your rage gain all these effects.
At 10th level, those within 10 feet of you during your rage also gain advantage on attacks.
Blood Charge
Starting at 6th level, if you rage while mounted, your first attack against a creature does critical damage. Your mount counts as an ally.
Blood of All
Starting at 10th level, when an ally takes damage, you may take any or all of it yourself instead, so long as you are within 10 feet. Conversely, if you are healed (through a spell or potion), you may transfer any or all of that healing to one or more allies, so long as they are within 10 feet of you.