
While druids honor Ambyrlee for her creations and her ongoing love of the natural cycle, most do not consider themselves one of her Tashi. Instead they focus on the maintaining the natural world around them, seeing themselves as self-appointed stewards of maintaining balance and staving off man-made and magic-manifested ruin.

For although the days of the Mage Wars are little more than a footnote in a moldy history books of the Cahedra, druids can yet hear the screams of nature as it was twisted and uprooted, bent to the will of battlefield magecraft.

The trees and stones have long memories and openly tell of the cataclysmic changes that wracked the earth — at least to those who care to ask and listen.

Druids know that magic feeds the roots of these changes, and they watch as aftershadows continue to disrupt the flow of nature. To this end, they seek to heal the land, to restore it to its natural state — and to protect its flora and fauna as best they can against further decline.


To address (and redress) the land, most druids of Narenfel gather in small enclaves called Circles, generally associated with specific geographic areas. Within these gatherings, druids share information about growing areas of concern and pool resources as needed.

Druids in Narfenel may chose one of the following Circles to be a part of when they reach second level as a Druid: Circle of the Land (see specific updates below), Circle of the Moon, and Circle of the Shepard (Xanthars Guide). Most druids of Narenfel are part of the Circle of the Land. However, some spells are considered Shadari magic in Narenfel, and are not taught or used. The following list Circle Spells for Circle of the Land druids supersedes that in the Player’s Handbook. Druids do not cast illusion spells.


Most common in Thell, The Westlands, and northern Regimantis

D. Level Circle Spells

3rd hold person, spike growth

5th sleet storm, slow

7th freedom of movement, ice storm

9th commune with nature, cone of cold


Most common in New Wyntiri, Bramm, and the islands of the Maugholdings

D. Level Circle Spells

3rd *warding wind, misty step

5th water breathing, water walk

7th control water, freedom of movement

9th conjure elemental, scrying


Most common in the Westlands

D. Level Circle Spells

3rd **skywrite, silence

5th create food & water, prot. from energy

7th blight, *sickening radiance

9th insect plague, wall of stone


Common in every nation except the Maugholdings

D. Level Circle Spells

3rd barkskin, spider climb

5th call lightning, plant growth

7th divination, freedom of movement

9th commune with nature, tree stride


Common in the Westlands, Callen Moor, Regimantis and Bramm

D. Level Circle Spells

3rd *moonbeam, pass without trace

5th daylight, haste

7th divination, freedom of movement

9th *farstep, insect plague


Common in all nations but New Wyntiri and the Maugholdings

D. Level Circle Spells

3rd spider climb, spike growth

5th lightning bolt, meld into stone

7th stone shape, stoneskin

9th passwall, wall of stone


Common in New Wyntiri and Vis

D. Level Circle Spells

3rd acid arrow, darkness

5th water walk, stinking cloud

7th freedom of movement, locate creature

9th insect plague, scrying


There are no known druid circles that operate within dark and watery catacombs of Vis. Druids in

Narenfel cannot choose the Underdark as a Circle of the Land.


Druids are healers of the land — and are able to restore its natural balance by reducing the ambient disruption that normal magic creates. Starting at 5th level, as an action, you may use one of their available spell slots to reduce the magnitude of an existing node by 1.

At 9th level, you are able to reduce the magnitude of the node by 2 during your action, so long as you use a spell slot of level 3 or higher.


Druids in the lands of Narenfel have a slightly altered list of spells from those listed in the Players Handbook, since they do not practice spells from the school of Illusion (considered Shadari magic). The followed spells have been removed from the Druid’s spell list

Removed spells

4th Level – hallucinatory terrain

7th Level – mirage arcane