Martial Melee Weapon
Sickle-bladed weapons with enclosed hand-guards used by Dark Fangs. In the ancient Ennu tongue, “dia’kah” translates as “snakestrike”. Most dai’kah are made of bone, and are usually engraved with disturbing images.
The following equipment is specific to the lands of Narenfel, and may be found in shops where appropriate.
Martial Melee Weapon
Sickle-bladed weapons with enclosed hand-guards used by Dark Fangs. In the ancient Ennu tongue, “dia’kah” translates as “snakestrike”. Most dai’kah are made of bone, and are usually engraved with disturbing images.
Martial Melee Weapon
A fah’roki is a pair of long, slightly curved serrated daggers, each with strangely weighted handles, and connected to each other by a length of black, non-reflective chain. The weapon is custom crafted, with specific weights of blade, hilt and chain unique to each fahroki and the Ssassumin that wields it. Due to its custom nature and rare usage, it is exceedingly rare to find in a shop or armory. (You gain one of these weapons when you take the Ssassumin archetype.)
The fahroki can be used as a reach weapon, throwing one of the blades while holding on to the other, delivering an attack 10’ away. (See Ssassumin)
Elffire is a volatile liquid, carefully stored, which when agitated bursts into a horribly consuming flame, burning even underwater, melting armor and sword, glass and stone. The secret of Elffire is jealously guarded by the Black Cannons, and vials of the substance is usually given only as bribes or concessions to powerful members of royal houses.
Martial Melee Weapon
Also called Morgrom’s Tongue, the Luckstaff is favored by followers and Pen’Tashi of Farbelz. Staff-like in appearance, it can be telescoped inward and outward by its wielder using an interior system of cleverly crafted weights and counterweights, catching unwary opponents offguard.
Martial Melee Weapon
The Moorbow is a sturdy, composite longbow usually fashioned from Ironwood trees, and favored by the Odari of Callen Moor.
Martial Melee Weapon
Shantilar swords are incredibly light and strong, and are the favored weapons by the Elflawvin. Though heavily magicked to possess a dangerously sharp edge, their organic nature renders them dull and lifeless after time and heavy usage.
Martial Melee Weapon
A glowing, rune-encrusted sword, the Sigil Blade is the symbol of a Sigil Lord’s might and consequence. A Sigil Lord can cast his spells through his Sigil Blade as he or she attacks, allowing the blade to temporarily “become” a manifestation of the spell, the length of its blade glowing, crackling or becoming slightly ethereal as arcane power pulses down its steel.