

Creature Type



Medium (about 4-5 feet tall)


30 ft., Swimming 20 ft.

As a Maugtheni, you have these special traits.
• Culture of Learning. You gain the Keen Mind feat (page 205 in the PH2024)
• Excessively Fluent. You can speak, read, and write Riginalia, Maugtheni and two other languages of your choice. Maugtheni do not believe in the adage “less is more.” They are known for long-winded, rambling, and deep context answers, both in verbal and written communication; they are also renowned for their extensive vocabulary.


As a Maugtheni, you are deeply interested in the world around you, what has come before and why things work. Maughtheni civilization is built around the Cahedra, a body composed of colleges of learning that permeates almost all aspects of society.

Maugtheni have a reputation for being open-minded and sincere, though often indecisive. They have a strong sense of justice, and long-remember (and keep record of) egregious wrong-doing.

Island Dwelling
Maugtheni are short and stocky, standing about four to four and a half feet.

They primarily inhabit The Maugholdings, a collection of island that surround a much larger, massive island in the Gulf of Farbelz. Weather in the cities and bays of the Maugholdings is generally warm and temperate, and the Maugtheni skin ranges from a warm almond color to a deep tan.

Maugtheni fashion is quite unlike that of the mainlaind. Fashions change yearly, and are dictated by the various Cahedra. However, some things are remain static:

Malgetun (False Beards): Unlike other races of Dwarves, Maugtheni cannot grow facial hair, one of the very few topics that Maugtheni will avoid. That said, social conventions demand that bare chins be covered, so all Maugtheni were elaborate false beards called “malgetun”. Malgetun are highly braided, ornamented, and powdered, coming in a wide range of colors (natural browns, reds, black and blonds, blues, greens and purples, and metallic silvers, golds and bronzes). More expensive and elaborate malgetun are often seen as a mark of prestige or standing, and are even more outlandish.

Feddlebrim: Though Maugtheni stand four feet in height, they make up for it by wearing incredibly tall sculpted hats called “feddlebrim”. These hats are usually one to two feet tall by themselves; when they are worn (which is almost always), the Maugtheni’s silhouette approaches six feet — a respectable height.

Each feddlebrim is tied securely to the chin with a system of straps. Some feature a brim (also generally ornamented), while others are more cylindrical or conical. The main cylinder of the feddlebrim (the “feddle” if you get specific) is elaborately sculpted from boiled and worked leather, chitin, fur or other exotic skins, and often represents characters, heroes, myths, monsters, or other areas of expertise that the Maugtheni is interested in.

The core of Maugtheni society revolves around the Cahedra, collegium-organizations of scholarship and knowledge that influence the thought, politics, and philosophies of virtually every citizen. Non-Maugtheni are welcomed as long as they share a love of academia. Other than the very erudite however, foreigners are few and far between in the Maugholdings.

Each of the collegiums are ranked in terms of prestige (though some debate rages), and each has its own unique area of expertise. Maugtheni align themselves with the particular Cahedra they have close connections to, either in subject matter or family affiliation. Graduates of the Cahedra wear a medallion with their Cahedra’s insignia hanging from their feddlebrim for others to see. Other races may not know how each of these Cahedra stack up against each other (nor may they care), but such things are meat and mead to Maugtheni, and they use such information to navigate relationships with other Maugtheni they interact with.

An Educated Society
Whether in the Maugholdings or out adventuring, if you wish to talk to a Maugtheni about nearly any subject, they will undoubtedly have something to say. Push through the excessive vocabulary, namedropping, and inevitable topical rabbit holes, and you have a good chance of learning something that you’ve never thought of before.

The Maugtheni live longer than humans, and as a result, they rarely steer clear of a good challenge or mystery, and are happy to get into the weeds. They strive to be conversant with the latest theory on virtually everything. To most of the mainland races, this Maugtheni brand of sophistry and philosophy is a case study in egotism and vanity, if not pointlessness; to the Maughtheni, such things are the zest of life, and a matter of cultural pride.

A Love of the Ocean
Though they are best known for their scholarship. Maugtheni are also fond of swimming and sailing, and usually teach their offspring how to transverse the oceans waves by the age of two. (Interestingly enough, they still wear a form of malgetun when swimming.) The Maugholdings boasts a large naval fleet (mostly for exploration and trade), and have discovered and colonized a number of islands to the east of the mainland, thought to be remnants of the sunken Wyntiri Empire. An important item of note is that ALL the Cahedra have master level curricula on navigation, exploration and the arts of seacraft. The Maugholdings have colonies and holdings, mostly smaller islands in the eastern ocean that they believe to be remnants of the Wyntiri Empire.

Metalsmiths & Glass Makers
Maugtheni are known for their craftsmanship, turning their endless conversations into real-life application. Of partcular note is their knowledge and work with metal and glass — particularly “Maugtheni Glass” which can focus light into intense beams of fire.

Maughtheni Names
Maugtheni organize themselves into family units rather than clans, but are equally known for their relationship with a particular Cahedra.

Male Names: Adrik, Alberich, Baern, Barendd, Brottor, Bruenor, Dellin, Darrak, Delg, Egerdirk, Einkil, Fargrinell, Flint, Gardenmitten, Harbek, Kildrak, Morgran, Orsik, Oskar, Rangrim, Rurik, Taklinn, Thoradin, Thorin, Tordek, Traubon, Travok, Ulfgar, Veit, Vondal, Wirtenbellow

Female Names: Amber, Artin, Audhild, Bardryn, Dagnal, Diesa, Eldeth, Falkrunn, Finellen, Gunnloda, Gurdis, Helja, Hlin, Kathra, Kristryd, Ilde, Liftrasa, Mardred, Riswynn, Sannl, Torbera, Torgga, Vistra

Family Names: Balderkiln, Bollvellum, Glasshand, Holdernack, Lottendam, Lodehall, Mythemellow, Mippleghast, Obenchain, Runehelm, Strakesun, Tidewright, Unversong