
Odari Traits

Creature Type



Medium (about 5-6 feet tall)


30 ft.

As an Odari, you have these special traits.
• Darkvision. You have Darkvision up to 60 ft.
• Self Preservation. You have Proficiency on all Stealth checks, and Advantage on Initiative rolls.
• Skirmish Tactics. As a reaction, when an ally you can see makes an attack, you can move up to five additional feet toward him. This does not count against your normal movement, but can result in an opportunity attack.
• Steed-based Culture. You gain the Mounted Combatant feat (p.205 of the PH2024)

Odtari are shorter than humans, though a little taller than Maugtheni. Their skin is rough and dark brown with tinges of green, giving them a look of moldy, untreated leather. They tend to keep their faces stoic, and devoid of surface emotions. Their body proportions quickly identify them; most have broad chests and wiry (but surprisingly strong) arms and elongated skulls (a self inflicted characteristic that stems from wrapping infants heads with leather straps).

Odtari culture puts little premium on hygiene, so they usually wear their hair long and unkempt or tied into a simple braid or topknot. Many prefer to shave their heads and go completely bald (which highlights their longer skulls). Facial hair (when present) is sparse and patchy at best. Odtari often wear head scarves to protect against the elements (as well as cover their features).

Odtari are the racially intermingled remnants of the once powerful (but now extinct) Goblin race, which was ultimately eradicated by the Shadowglyh along with the Ennari people who crafted it and the Orh-Kish Empire that they strove to protect. The Goblins were known for their powerful, marauding tribes and fearsome mounted combat. For hundreds of years, they harried the outposts and cities of the Orh-Kish Empire, though individual tribes remained independent and thus fairly manageable. That changed when the Goblin known as Tilloth unified the Goblin tribes in the years leading up the seige of Mistmight (the capital city of Orh-Kish). Inside, the Ennari archmages franticly searched for a way to deal with the treat, and began developing a spell that would destroy the surrounding army. Unfortunately for all involved, the Goblins broke through the city walls, the Ennari mages released their spell prematurely, and the resulting magical plague that it wrought became the doom of both Goblins and the Ennari.

The Shadowglyph (as it was thereafter referred to) radiated outward, decimating the Goblins that surrounded the city. Within hours, the collected hordes were rings of corpses. Such was the magic of the shadoglyph that the killing magic continued to radiate outward, seeking far flung Goblins not centered on Mistmight. Only a handful of Goblins survived the devastation, and they retreated back into the wilds, or melted into the human hamlets of villages that took pity on the dying race. Modern Odtari are spawned from the remnants of those survivors and human lineage.

Surly Personality
Odtari have a reputation for being impulsive and surly — as well as for being thieves and troublemakers — at least in the eyes of other races. Some of this may be shaped by their reluctance to integrate in urban settings or with other races; some may be tied to their war-like Goblin heritage. They are also known for being notoriously unconcerned with time, and are counted on to be late to virtually any established meeting.

For their part, Odtari consider themselves tenacious and opportunistic. They pride themselves on being self-reliant and adaptable to the ever-changing landscape of outside forces. (This may be viewed as fickle or isolationist by other races.)

One thing all races agree on — Odtari love the nature of conflict, and embrace feats of strength, hunting, martial combat, and triumphs of conquest. As such, Odtari are prone to easy provocation, and such provocations could quickly lead to combat. On the other hand, once the moment has passed, they quickly forget about the provocation.

Curious Sense of Humor
On the other hand, Odtari are known to have a curious sense of humor, which often manifests in the heat of the moment. Odtari humor is riddled with insults and black, self-deprecation, which other races may find head-scratching. A quick joke may take the edge off a potentially dangerous scenario — and Odtari are also quick to put the past in the past. They may fight someone today, only to be friends and share a mug of ale tomorrow.

Observant and Stealthy
Perhaps because they exist apart from most societies, Odtari have honed their ability to observe the world around them. (Other races might call this “spying”). They tend to be naturally nimble and stealthy, even on horseback. They can be amazingly patient when necessary — not moving for hours at a time if on watch for example.

Nomadic and Equestrian
Odtari society is a steed-based lifestyle, and judge a fellow Odtari’s social status by means of how many horses he or she owns. Only the poorest or most unfortunately Odtari owns no steeds — and if they do, obtaining one (by whatever means) generally becomes a top priority. Odtari prefer to do things via horseback if possible — conducting meetings with other Odtari from the saddle, or doing trades or business with other races. Odtari are even comfortable sleeping in the saddle, though in the safety of their own camps, they will opt to sleep outdoors, on matts, under the stars.

Odtari do not settle in one place for long periods of time, preferring the roaming, nomadic lifstyle of their Goblin ancestors. They are generally uneasy in cities, only visiting from time to time for supplies or to conduct trade. They usually set up camp on the outskirts of a town. Such camps are usually made up only of other Odtari, not because the Odtari discourage such arrangements, but because other races tend to remain suspicious and distrustful of them. Odtari camps rarely remain in place for more than a few weeks at a time.

A Tradition of Hospitality
For all their rough exterior and isolationist tendencies, Odtari have a tradition of hospitality that other races find surprising. Vistors to Odtari encampments are rare, but when they do come, they are generally welcomed with food, drink and smoke, which he Odtari view as gifts. Vistors who leave an Odtari encampment are generally expected to give small gifts (of inconsequential value) in return, after accepting hospitality. These gifts are not viewed as transactions — they are part of a contract of social civility. Failure to honor this contract is often met with a sudden mood shift, which might lead to more.

Skeptical — but Careful
Most Odtari are skeptical of mainstream religion (which to them seems to happen mostly in cities and indoors). However, they do pay tribute to the shamanistic powers of the Ren Spirit, an entity which they believe to be the driving force for ill luck and misfortune in the world. When drinking, they will dip their fingers in their water or ale, and flicking them to the wind in order to provide the Ren Spirit with an offering — and thus keep it from turning its malevolent eye and talon on them.

Those who do embrace religion tend toward Thron worship. Odtari harbor an almost universal hatred toward Noonshadow, who they blame for the doom of their ancestors and the animosity and mistrust that is laid on them today.

Odari Names
Due to their nomadic lifestyles, Odtari generally take a singlur name, and reference the name of their father. (Example: Crulz, son of Phineas or Murtel, daughter of Phineas).
Male: Ariq, Batu, Chakatae, Dzungar, Esin, Guruk, Kheshig, Khor, Naman, Oghul, Ozbeg, Phinias, Qaimish, Ragibak, Temoug, Torkigen
Female: Abiska, Buri, Duwa, Khamag, Khoumis, Konchi, Jamuka, Mergid, Nokoi, Ogedai, Qara, Shigi